Wednesday, 16 September 2015


9962048117 ,9787311067

A civil servant /bureaucrat/IAS officer is responsible for the law and order and general administration in the area [district]under his work.   the functions of an IAS officer are as follows,
·         To handle the daily affairs of the government, including framing and implementation of policy in consultation with the minister-in-charge of the concerned ministry.
·         Implementation of policy requires supervision.
·         Implementation requires travelling to places where the policies are being implemented.
·         Implementation also includes expenditure of public funds which again requires personal supervision as the officers are answerable to the Parliament and State Legislature for any irregularities that may occur.

·         In the process of policy formulation and decision making, officers at higher levels like Joint Secretary and Deputy Secretary contribute to the final shape of the policy and/or take a final decision with the concurrence of the minister concerned or the cabinet .

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